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Our fully open source flight computer is now available to order. To get updates on new features and products, join our Discord!

Control and Telemetry Systems Rocket

EuRoC's Official Flight Computer

Starting from 2023 the Control and Telemetry Systems hardware has been selected as the official tracking and logging solution for the largest European rocketry competition.  


With CATS, we hope to provide easy access to the world of sounding rockets. By flying a flight computer which is fully open source, you know exactly what you are flying and can adapt the soft- and hardware to your specific needs. With the intuitive design of our configuration tool, the flight computer can be configured in minutes.

Precise Estimation

A Kalman filter fusing barometric and accelerometer data estimates the altitude and velocity of your rocket.

Extensive Ecosystem

Our Configuration tool allows you not only to configure the flight computer for your needs, but also to viszualize flight data and extract it for further processing. With the Ground Station, you know exactly what is happening during the flight.

Fully Open Source

All our hardware designs and software is fully open source. Documentation and support is also available through our website and our Discord server.

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